Command WAIT
Description Wait for a period of milliseconds before processing menu commands.
Wait timer accuracy of 1ms ±200ns - v42.00.
Interrupts and key presses still occur during the wait period and can be processed.
WAIT() can be used with INTs, VARs or PTR - v36.00.

Restriction: If the WAIT() command is within a function called from a KEY() command then further key presses will be ignored. Each touch key press function must be processed to completion before another can be processed. Please refer to the project example 'keyboard' for the technique to process keys.
Syntax/Parameters WAIT(Time);
Example WAIT(5000);

Update Information






 System Timer Accuracy

21 Nov 13 


* Fixed accuracy of 200us system tick timer - used for incrementing counters CNTRUN, CNTMILLI, ... CNTDAYS, TIMER0-TIMER19, and decrementing WAIT().
* Wrong divider value was being used. Needed to be divider value minus one.
* This resulted in a tick value of 200.174us rather than 200us.
* Assuming a perfect crystal frequency giving a 92,000,000Hz clock then there would be a +0.87ms error for every second.


 Touch Repeats in WAIT()

09 Jul 11 


Touch keys were being incorrectly repeated in WAIT() loops.


 Wait() - Wait timer accuracy increased.

09 Mar 11 


Wait timer accuracy increased, now running off system tick timer (max error 200ns).


 Wait - WAIT() can now be used with INTs, VARs or PTR.

23 Nov 10 


WAIT() can now be used with INTs, VARs or PTR.


 Touch Screen - Controlled by Interrupt and 3 sample averaging.

25 Aug 10 


Controlled by Interrupt and 3 sample averaging * The touch screen is now interrupt driven with improved accuracy, sample averaging and discarding of spurious samples.
* Added LOAD( Name, TOUCHX ); and LOAD( Name, TOUCHY ); to output last Touch Screen coordinates.
The WAIT() command is no longer needed with touch screen.
Repeat on touch screen to be in next release.