iDevOS CALC "EINFO" Command

Get textual information about an entity.


CALC( dst, name, "EINFO" );

This command stores information for the entity called name in the text variable dst.

The text variable dst will contain the information as:


The entity_type can be one of the following:

  • draw - Draw/shape/graph (DRAW) entity
  • fixed - Built-in "fixed" entity, eg a interface name RS2, AS1, RTC, ADC or timer TIMER0, TIMER1, etc
  • font - Font (LIB) entity
  • free - Entity has not been defined (note 'name' is empty in this case)
  • func - Function (FUNC) entity
  • img - Image (IMG) entity
  • int - Interrupt (INT) entity
  • key - Key (KEY) entity
  • loop - Loop (LOOP) entity
  • page - Page (PAGE) entity
  • struct - Structure (STRUCT) entity
  • style - Style (STYLE) entity
  • text - Text (TEXT) entity
  • undefined - Entity is in an undefined state (has been found in NVRAM but not defined in a mnu file)
  • var - Variable (VAR) entity
  • wav - WAV audio entity

For variables, the data type is also provided:


The data_type can be none, u8, s8, u16, s16, u32, s32, float, cstring, text, ptr, or fileobj.

If the variable is an array, then the array dimensions are also provided:


If the variable is a pointer, then the entity being pointed to is also provided:



Parameter type: entity name of a text variable.
Entity Name.
Parameter type: immediate entity name of a text variable.
CALC command operator.
Parameter type: immediate string.


Example 1

STYLE(s1, TEXT) { font=Ascii8; }
TEXT(t1, "abc", s1);
KEY(k1, fn, 20, 30, TOUCH);
VAR(v1, "", TXT);
VAR(v2, 0, U32);
VAR(v3 > "t1", PTR);
VAR(v4, 0, U8, 4, 3, 2);

CALC(v1, s1, "EINFO");  // v1 = "s1(style)"
CALC(v1, t1, "EINFO");  // v1 = "t1(text)"
CALC(v1, k1, "EINFO");  // v1 = "k1(key)"
CALC(v1, v1, "EINFO");  // v1 = "v1(var.text)"
CALC(v1, v2, "EINFO");  // v1 = "v2(var.u32)"
CALC(v1, v3, "EINFO");  // v1 = "v3(var.ptr)>t1(text)"
CALC(v1, v4, "EINFO");  // v1 = "v4(var.u8[4][3][2])"
CALC(v1, v5, "EINFO");  // v1 = "(free)"